January 2023

Welcome 2023

First newsletter of 2023 - perhaps launched a little late yes - but we wanted to avoid it getting lost among the numerous emails accumulated during the holidays and publishing it on Friday the 13th or during Blue Monday didn't seem exactly a good omen to us.

So here we are, on a very normal Tuesday in January, ready to greet 2022 with a short video recap and to welcome with open arms the great news of 2023 that we will tell little by little.

2022 was a year full of challenges but also of great successes and goals for us at Simpl. the reactive agency.
A year characterized by many small pieces that have been added to our now consolidated reality: a new name, a new logo, a new site, new outfits for our productions, new customers and new skills acquired... in short, a 2022 of great transformation and growth!

We are proud of the work done and excited to be able to share it with you:

Some of the big 2023 projects are already under construction and many others are boiling in pots, On the other hand, we are ready to create new ones alongside our customers to face this new year with creative solutions in pure Simpol style.
Special thanks to those who believed in us and to those who will do it again, we can't wait to continue to achieve great things together.


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